The True Meaning of 4th of July for Entrepreneurs & Restaurant Professionals
The 4th of July holiday is my favorite holiday. It’s my mid-year New Year’s and a time when I reflect on the progress I've made toward the dreams, resolutions and goals that I'd set at the beginning of the year. I take the opportunity to celebrate my progress or re-calibrate my actions if I'm not on track.
I absolutely love the sense of hope and freedom from worry I experience by setting written, actionable goals and tracking my progress. And working in the restaurant business, there is always worry. Being part of a family means there is worry. Being a citizen and part of a community at times brings worry as well. But with each baby step I take or even with the occasional huge leaps forward, a calmness, confidence, and sense of pride and purpose emerge. Rarely does the path toward my goals meander backward these days. But if there is a divergence, I know from past experience that it is only a temporary road block in my path of progress that will not stop my mission. In the event that I face an unexpected and seemingly insurmountable roadblock, I no longer throw my hands up in defeat. Instead I focus on problem solving creative solutions that will get me over, through or around the problem. Usually I can do this on my own and avert overwhelm or disaster. Other times I need the support of my mentor, who sometimes literally holds my hand through the process as I move past my comfort zone. Conquer the situation I will and have--so can you!

This year I celebrated new successes:
Freedom--from the constraints of a multi-unit position and the 365/24/7 time requirements as I struck out on my own to found Restaurant Success Center
Wellness--improved health and fitness as I trim my plate and move my body
Prosperity--for myself and the clients I have already supported in identifying savings in their operations, reducing waste in their controllable costs and increasing profits
I invite you to bookmark and return to tap into industry information, resources, live and online courses, professional coaching and more. We hope you'll share your restaurant operations and management needs with our team so we can help you achieve your greatest goals and gain the independence you desire from restaurant ownership. May the rest of the year see you succeed leaps and bounds in the restaurant industry!